Can you share any tips for newcomers about adjusting to South Korea?
Depending on which city you are planning on going to, there may be a big shock with the sheer amount of people around you. For me, coming from a small city to one of the largest cities in the world, there was quite the adjustment of basically being surrounded my people most of the time. The Seoul subway system is amazing to get around from A-B but expect to have others in your personal bubble. There are many other foreigners in this city here to visit like you, but don’t be alarmed when you have people staring at you. This is a very homogenous population, and you stand out. This is not a bad thing, as they may just be curious and its best to ignore it.
Another big thing when packing is to look at all of your electronics’ plugs and be sure to have the required adaptor. I know the importance of staying connected to your loved ones is in this situation so having things like your laptop and smart phone is a must. In my case I went a few weeks without my laptop as my adaptor was not equipped to charge it. This made looking and applying to jobs slightly inconvenient as I had to do it from my phone. Not to mention the lack of Netflix on those first days of jetlag.