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How to Work in Japan as a Canadian

Japan is an amazing country with a vibrant culture, history, spectacular food, and breathtaking landscapes. Not only is it an awesome place to visit as a tourist, but it’s also a wonderful place to live, work and experience life like a local. So how do you find work in Japan as a Canadian? What kind of jobs can you do? Do you have to know Japanese? How long will it take to find a job? If you are wanting to find work in Japan, keep reading to find out how you can do it.

Work in Japan as a Canadian

At Stepabroad, we help Canadian youth with everything they need to know to find work in Japan. We are a Recognized Organization by the Government of Canada. This means we are a trusted provider of travel and work abroad support services for Canadians. Not only have we helped many Canadians find work in Japan, but we have also done it ourselves! I’m a Work & Travel Advisor here at Stepabroad. Originally I’m from Ontario, but before joining Stepabroad I lived and worked in Japan for six months. It was an absolutely incredible experience!

My experience in Japan was all possible thanks to the Japan Working Holiday Visa. This visa gives Canadians the opportunity to experience living and working in Japan without the complicated process of finding a sponsorship offer. The working holiday visa allows you to travel to Japan and look for a job when you get there. You don’t even need to know how to speak Japanese (although it definitely helps). The visa is available to youth between the ages of 18 and 30. There are a few criteria you must meet in order to get a visa. I’ll share more on that later.

Working in Japan

I arrived in Japan in October 2018 and went straight to a place called Niseko on the north island of Hokkaido. Not only is it one of the best places in the world to ski (it gets a whopping 14 meters of dry powder every season), but it’s also one of the best places to find work without knowing Japanese. This is because the ski resort is an international destination welcoming tourists coming from all over the world. Therefore, the resort town is always in need of English-speaking staff.

Through a connection with a previous workmate, I was able to get a job at a boutique hotel. The job was an incredible opportunity. Not only did I get to work with amazing and friendly local Japanese, but with people from all over the world. On a daily basis, I had meaningful interactions with the hotel guests. They came from all corners of the globe to vacation in Niseko and were always so happy to be there. They would be grinning from ear to ear on their way in from the mountain, asking what restaurants had the best food (answer – all of them!) and wanting to find out more about the area.

After the ski season ended, I spent two months travelling around the country. I went to the big cities everyone thinks about when they visit Japan – Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka. Along the way, I took in a mix of big-city attractions, historic buildings, temples, natural landscapes, and the awe-inspiring cherry blossoms.

Jobs in Japan for Canadians

Working in Japan as a Canadian can be tricky as most of us don’t speak Japanese. Being able to speak the local language significantly increases your chance of finding a job. However, there are still opportunities available that require minimal levels of Japanese. The most common jobs in Japan that are open to foreigners are the following:

Teaching English

This is by far the most popular type of work in Japan available to foreigners and there are almost always jobs available. A bachelor’s degree (in any field) is required to teach in schools. If you don’t have a bachelor’s degree, it is still possible to find a teaching-related job. Some private tutoring jobs only require that you are a native English speaker. Tutoring jobs involve working at after-school programs and conducting conversational English lessons with adults.


Japan is experiencing a labour shortage in the hospitality industry. More and more businesses are accepting foreign staff to fill these shortages and serve the tourists and business travellers. This includes work in hotels, restaurants and cafés in busy tourist areas where English is used more frequently.

Customer Service

Large retail chains and other businesses in tourist areas also need staff who are able to speak English. However, having conversational Japanese would typically be required for most positions so you can assist local Japanese customers.

Ski Resort Jobs

Japan’s ski resorts are known for having some of the best powder in the world. Many of these ski resorts cater to foreign tourists so businesses need to have English-speaking staff. You don’t have to be a ski or snowboarding expert to work at the ski resort. Many working holidaymakers choose to work in Japan at ski resorts for the opportunity to learn the sport, make some money and travel around Japan after the ski season.

The ski resorts offer a wide array of work. While there are specialized positions like ski instructors and rental equipment technicians, many of the positions are in hospitality and customer service. If you have experience working in food and beverage or customer service, this could be the right opportunity for you. Are you interested in securing a job at a ski resort before you even leave Canada? Our Japan Ski Resort Program might be just what you are looking for!

Japanese Work Culture

A big difference between working in Canada and working in Japan – other than the language – is the work culture. Japan has a much more formal culture. People are always polite to each other, but hierarchy and respect go hand in hand. People do not speak against their superiors. It would be hard to find a Japanese co-worker who says ‘no’ to anything. At work, it is expected you greet someone with a formal greeting and always refer to them by their correct title, Mr. or Ms. The use of first names is not common at Japanese workplaces.

Work attire is also much more formal. This can depend on your job, but you should always look presentable. For men, facial hair is frowned upon and women are expected to have their hair perfectly pulled back. Visible tattoos and piercings are a definite no-no.

The most common way to be paid in Japan is monthly, with cash. Employees are given an envelope of cash at the end of each month which you then have to deposit it in your bank account yourself. This is something to keep in mind for budgeting as you will not receive any money until one month after you start working.

The social aspect of the work culture in Japan is very strong. Coworkers often hang out together after work, usually going for drinks or karaoke. While it is certainly not required, it is expected to go along if you are invited. This is a great way to build relationships with people and to learn a lot about the culture of Japan outside of work.

Experience working in Japan like Stepabroad participant Jesse.

How to Find a Job in Japan

There are job opportunities for Canadians in Japan if you know how to find them. There are several sites that focus specifically on jobs for international workers that have varying levels of Japanese fluency. Employers that post on these websites are experienced with hiring foreigners and expect that applicants usually do not speak Japanese.

Be sure to start your job search by being open, flexible and managing your expectations. Imagine the difficulties a Japanese person would have finding a job in Canada. Finding a job in a foreign country is not as easy as finding a job in Canada. This is why it is important to consider lots of different types of jobs. Apply to as many positions as you can to increase your chances of getting an interview.

It can be difficult to figure out where to start your search. In almost all cases, you will not be considered for a position until after you have arrived in Japan. At Stepabroad, with our Send-Off and Kick-Start Japan, we provide the resources you need to help you find a job faster. We go over which industries are easier to find jobs in and which websites are best to help in your search. With our Ski Resort Package, we secure a job for you before you even leave Canada!

Japan Working Holiday Programs


1 - 12 Months


Japan Send-Off Package

Our Send-Off Package provides Canadians with step-by-step working holiday visa application support and a one-on-one pre-departure orientation (via video call) with all the information you need to know for living, working, and travelling in Japan.


1 - 12 Months


Japan Kickstart Package

Start your Japan adventure experiencing living in Tokyo, Kyoto, or Fukuoka for two weeks! Take Japanese language and cultural courses to gain a deeper understanding of Japan and participate in fun organized social events to get into the swing of Japan-life.

Mid November - April

6 Months


Japan Ski Resort

Imagine spending your days off work gliding through Japan’s legendary powder at the country’s top ski destination. On our Japan Ski Resort Program, land a guaranteed ski resort job in Japan and enjoy the famous Japow every day!

Speaking Japanese

You don’t need to be able to speak Japanese to enjoy a working holiday in Japan. When I arrived in Hokkaido I didn’t speak Japanese. Though it certainly does help. Being able to communicate on a basic level will give you more chances to interact with locals and experience Japan’s culture.

Not all jobs require a Japanese speaking ability but you might see some postings that request an N3 or similar ability. This is a standardized Japanese fluency level on the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). The JLPT evaluates and certifies the proficiency in Japanese of non-native speakers. It assesses not only your knowledge of Japanese-language vocabulary and grammar but also your ability to use this knowledge in actual communication. N1 is the highest level you can attain, while N5 is the most basic.

If you want to start learning Japanese or brush up on your skills, Stepabroad offers four weeks of language lessons as part of our City Experience Program. You will be enrolled in a Japanese language course at your appropriate skill level. Class sizes are kept small and you can choose to take your lessons in Tokyo, Kyoto or Fukuoka. There are even fun cultural experience courses where you learn about manga, tea ceremonies, calligraphy, cosplay, and more!

Getting the Japan Working Holiday Visa

Living in Japan sounds awesome right? So how do you go about getting the working holiday visa? Luckily it isn’t as complicated as a regular work visa where you need to get sponsored by a person or employer. There are a few requirements you must meet in order to make sure you are eligible. Once you know you are eligible, you are required to correctly fill out the application forms and attach supporting documents.

To submit your working holiday visa application, you must visit the Japanese embassy or consulate in your jurisdiction. These are located in Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver. It is important to note that the entire application needs to be done in a very particular way or your visa will not be approved. It can easily be denied for a simple error like if you worded something incorrectly. This may mean several delays and trips to the consulate to get it right.

Does this process sound confusing? This is where Stepabroad can help. we have done working holidays in Japan and know all the ins and outs of applying for the visa and ensuring it gets approved. If you need help with the visa application and feel you would benefit from helpful information for finding jobs, housing, setting up your health insurance, phone plans, banking and more – then our Japan Send-Off Package is for you! We walk you through the entire visa application process step-by-step in our one-on-one visa consultation and review and revise all of your supporting documents to ensure they are filled out correctly.

Working Holiday Visa Restrictions

The Japan Working Holiday Visa is available to anyone who meets the eligibility criteria. Here is an overview of the restrictions of the working holiday visa:

  • The visa is only available to youth from certain countries (Canada is one!) between the ages of 18-30.
  • The visa is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity because you can only receive it once. Even if you receive the visa but never end up using it, you cannot apply again.
  • You cannot use this visa to bring a spouse or any dependents to Japan with you. This is an individual visa, meaning you can only use it for yourself.
  • While in Japan on a working holiday visa you cannot work for businesses which may negatively impact public order or moral. This includes bars, cabarets, nightclubs or gambling establishments.

What else do I need to know?

Now you know about the visa to get to Japan, but what do you do once you arrive? What do you need to do to get started on a working holiday? How do you find a place to live, set up your bank account, health insurance, and taxes?

It can be overwhelming to moving to Japan from Canada. Not only do you have to look for a job and a place to live, but you also need to get a phone, a bank account, and insurance. You might have an infinite number of questions – even things you didn’t know you had to look up.

How Stepabroad Can Help

With all of our programs, we provide the necessary visa assistance to get you on your way. Then we go over all the important information you need to know before you leave Canada.

With our Japan Send-Off Package you are assigned a personal Work & Travel Advisor who provides assistance in a one-on-one orientation prior to your departure. They are also on hand to answer any questions you might have along the way.

Our Japan City Experience Program provides all the same pre-departure support as our Send-Off Package, with additional support once you arrive. The team at our partner schools in Japan is on hand to provide a welcome orientation, translate your resume into Japanese, and assist you with filling out government forms. They also offer invitations to social activities and outings with other students so you can instantly make new friends. Plus, your accommodation in Japan will be arranged before you arrive.

Our Japan Ski Resort Program is slightly different than our other Japan packages because we directly assist you in landing a paid job in Niseko, a world-renowned ski resort before you even depart Canada! All positions come with subsidized accommodation, season lift pass and much more.

At Stepabroad, we are here to take all the stress out of planning your working holiday so you can focus on having an amazing adventure in Japan!

Want to Find Work in Japan?

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Work In Japan As A Canadian FAQ's

Do I need to speak Japanese in order to find jobs in Japan?

Although it will certainly be useful if you do, it is not entirely necessary! For our Ski Resort Program in particular, almost all of our jobs require English only. It is not compulsory to speak any Japanese in order to work at world-renowned resorts in Hokkaido!

What kind of jobs can I do without speaking Japanese?

You can do any job in Japan as long as it is not in an establishment that affects public morals, such as a bar or a casino. Common roles for non Japanese speakers include working in a hotel, a restaurant, caring for children etc.

How does Stepabroad help with finding jobs in Japan?

If you select our Japan Ski Resort Program, we will guarantee a job offer and accommodation on your behalf! For other programs, we have an extensive range of resources ranging from websites, recruitment agencies, Facebook groups, to contacts that we can introduce you to! You can schedule a call with us to find out more.

Do I need to prepare a Japanese resume?

A Japanese resume is only necessary if you plan on applying for jobs that require a certain level of Japanese. If not, an English resume will suffice. If you would like to prepare a Japanese resume, our language school teachers can help you out there via our Kickstart Program!